Saturday, May 25, 2013



The spanish occupation proved devastating to indigenous cultures throughout Latin America. Today, Colombia today has dozens of tribes, including those that contunue to thrive and others that struggle under various contemporary pressures. Many villages have become heavily Westernized, while otheres cling tightly to theri traditional customs. Tourism is now being promoted as a way of fostering a renewed pride in traditional beliefs, crafts, and customs among native coomunities throughout Colombia.

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Colombia has 87 indegenous groups totaling 1.4 millons people-about 3.4 percent of the country total population, composing one of the most diverse indigenous populations in the world. Most live within resguardos indigenas (semiautonomous districts) where indigenous groups are guaranteed right sto self-goverment. Although Colombia´s 644 resguardos indigenas cover 116.692 square miles (31 million ha) almost one-third of the national territory-less than one-tenth is suitable for agriculture, and education in resguardos is of ppor quiality. Another 445.000 or so indegenous people live outside resgurados, and their collective rights over tha land on wich they live have no legal status.